Flex Manager


interimmanagement TIP: soortgelijke CVs vinden

Project Manager

Project Manager

Work Experience

IT/Internet and IT Training

1999 - Present Isokon Systems Ltd London, England
Contract Trainer
Sole trainer for this industry leading trust & probate software package.
Authored the user manual, which was recently described by one law firm as “the best software manual we’ve used.”
Recently completed a joint project with Isokon and the Official Solicitors Office training and managing a team of 12 personnel inputting accounting data. The project utilised a management system created by me using Excel. The project was completed on time and under budget.

1998 - Present Hungry Ghost Digital Ltd London
Course designer/Seminar leader/Trainer
Through my own company, I design and run commercial Internet and IT seminars and courses, most recently Internet Evaluation for Business. Presentations involve extensive use of PowerPoint.

2000 - Present Alexandria – Web Design London, England
Commercial Web Designer
Web authoring/editing involving extensive use of Dreamweaver and Fireworks. Alexandria provides a complete Web design service for non-fiction authors.


1980 – 1992 Law Office of R Carruthers Chicago & London
Sole legal practitioner
Developed and ran a private commercial practice in Chicago and London specialising in intellectual property, commercial real estate and US/UK immigrations.

1988 to 1994 Uticolor (GB) Ltd London
Director, Company Secretary and Legal Council
Responsible for negotiating and enforcing UK and international contracts and advising all legal aspects of this international franchise organisation as well as carrying out the duties of Director and Company Secretary.

Lecturing and Training

1993 - 1998 Amersham & Wycombe College Bucks
Law lecturer
Responsible for organising and delivering Law curriculum at this Further Education College.

1993 - Present Hungry Ghost Digital Ltd London,
Seminar leader
Through Hungry Ghost Digital Ltd, I design and run weekend/residential creative writing courses, centring on the use of the creative unconscious in writing.


1970 - 1974 University of Washington Seattle, USA
Bachelor of Arts

1977 - 1980 Northwestern Law School Chicago, USA
Juris Doctorate

1993 - 1994 Amersham College Amersham, Bucks
Adult and Further Education
City and Guilds CTAFE


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