Flex Manager


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Work Experience

Business information manager
Business analyst
Project manager
Programme manager
ICT Business Consultancy

My work over the last few years consisted mainly of activities in the areas such as senior business consultancy/project management and business information management, in functional areas such as distribution/supply chain, marketing & sales, CRM, and e-commerce. Main markets were automotive retail and wholesale and consumer goods/retail market. Key element was always to operate where business and ICT meet; translating business strategies and goals into processes, ICT strategies and solutions.
Contacts in organisations were mostly on the management team level and just below MT level (both business and IT).
In order to have a better understanding of business issues I finished my MSc in Supply Chain Management & Marketing.


Formele opleidingen:
- MSc Supply Chain Management & Marketing
- MBA (geen thesis)
- HBO Civiele techniek
- H.T.S. Civil Engineering
Diverse cursussen/bedrijfsopleidingen
- Marketing
- Information planning and management
- Project management
- Internet management
- Communication and presentation
- Media training
- Cross cultural work environments
- Six Sigma Green Belt


My drive for business related activities is primarily to get things in motion, develop new solutions and to improve existing processes. Just keeping things running without the opportunity to change and improve is not what keeps me motivated.


Engels: zeer goed
Duits: basis


Personal background
Originally educated as a civil engineer I worked for some years in that field and then decided to move to IT. Not because I disliked civil engineering (I still am very much interested in anything constructed in steel or concrete) but because the market did not offer enough opportunities to move ahead.
From that I moved more and more towards the business aspects of ICT and that is where my main interest lies: how to use ICT in a business environment and how to make ICT and business strategies/processes work together.

When not at work I like to be active or sometimes just ‘lazy’. I like hiking holidays or take a few weeks to explore (part of) a country and learn something of the culture and history.
When not on holiday I still like to be active and do sport (running), photograph, cook a meal for friends, or just relax and enjoy music, a book and/or a nice wine.
In my spare time I am also webmaster for the internet site of a cultural festival.

Of course I am more than happy to provide you with more information should that be required.


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Deze manager verwijderen  201755 - Bba

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